About SmartGaia

From indonesia to the world, SmartGaia is dedicated to design, produce, and promote enviornmental friendly products and solutions that are not only benefiting human kinds, but also do not cause much polutions to our mother earth. We strongly believe in envionrmental protection is important in our human race sustainability. As one of the indonesia's leading green loving company, we will continue to dedicate our efforts and energy in making our world a better place everyday.

We Need You!

No one can do this alone. Join us and always choose green products whenever you have an option to. Protect our mother earth starting today before it's too late. We need you! Mother earth needs you!

Our Products

The followings are some of our envrionmental friendly products on offer:


Glass Jars & Bottles

Over 100s of models currently are available to cater every need such as food jar, drink bottles etc, customizable with your size and design. Why use plastic while we have glass! 100% recyclable.


Paper Packagings

Different kinds of paper bags, boxes etc to meet your demand. customizable with your size and design.


Foldable Eco Shopping Bags

Choose one from our cuttest Foldable Eco Shopping Bags made in textiles. They are foldable, eash to carry, highly reusable and very cute! We have more than 100s of designs in store. Say byebye to the plastic bags. Size and design customizable.

Product Gallery

Some of our products pictures are displayed here:

Please feel free to contact us. Call +62-21-66603665 / 26080800

Contact Form

Please feel free to contact us.